Cornel West

For: President of The United States of America
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Cornel West's Answers
Answer Categories
Civil Rights and Liberties
Federal Policy Question:
Do you believe the federal government should play a larger role in protecting voting rights?
  1. Mon, Aug 5, 2024 12:09 AM (answer researched by FourScore)

    Answer: Cornel West would most likely strongly agree that the federal government should play a larger role in protecting voting rights. He would probably express concerns about voter suppression, gerrymandering, and other practices that undermine the democratic process, especially in communities of color and economically disadvantaged areas. West would likely advocate for federal policies and legislation to ensure equal access to the ballot box, to eliminate discriminatory voting practices, and to strengthen the Voting Rights Act.

    Percentage of Importance: Given West's commitment to social justice and democratic principles, he would likely assign a very high importance to this issue - possibly around 80-90%. This reflects his belief that voting is a fundamental democratic right that should be protected and accessible for all citizens.

Federal Policy Question:
Should the federal government enact more comprehensive anti-discrimination laws?
  1. Mon, Aug 5, 2024 12:09 AM (answer researched by FourScore)

    Answer: West has been a long-time advocate for social justice, equality, and civil rights. He would likely argue that while strides have been made in combating discrimination, much more needs to be done. West would emphasize the need for more comprehensive laws that not only prohibit all forms of discrimination but also actively promote equality, diversity, and inclusion in all areas of society. He would stress the important role of the federal government in safeguarding the rights of all individuals, especially those who are marginalized or disadvantaged.

    Percentage of Importance: Given West's emphasis on social justice and equality, he would likely assign a very high importance to this issue, possibly in the range of 80-90%. This reflects his belief that combating discrimination is a top priority and a fundamental responsibility of the federal government.

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  • Voter registration information:
  • Election dates and details:
    Federal Election Commission
  • Policy positions:
    Publicly available candidate websites and official statements