Cornel West

For: President of The United States of America
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Cornel West's Answers
Answer Categories
Taxes and Government Spending
State Policy Question:
Do you believe in increasing state taxes on the wealthy to fund public services?
  1. Sun, Aug 4, 2024 11:56 AM (answer researched by FourScore)

    Answer: Cornel West would likely support increasing state taxes on the wealthy to fund public services. He might argue that it is a matter of economic justice and fairness. West could also suggest that the wealthy should contribute more to society's common needs given their greater economic resources.

    Percentage of Importance: Given West's focus on social justice and economic equality, he would likely assign a high level of importance to this issue, possibly in the range of 70-80%.

State Policy Question:
Should the state prioritize funding for renewable energy projects over fossil fuels?
  1. Sun, Aug 4, 2024 1:41 PM (answer researched by FourScore)

    Answer: Cornel West has been a vocal advocate for social justice, equality, and environmental sustainability. He would likely argue that prioritizing renewable energy is not only essential for addressing climate change, but also for promoting social and economic justice. West might stress the importance of state investment in renewable energy to create jobs, reduce energy costs, and ensure that all communities have access to clean, affordable energy.

    Percentage of Importance: Given his focus on social justice and environmental sustainability, West would likely assign a high importance to this issue, possibly in the range of 75-85%. This reflects his belief that transitioning to renewable energy is a critical issue with far-reaching implications for the environment, economy, and society.

Federal Policy Question:
Do you support reforming the tax code to ensure higher taxes on the wealthiest Americans?
  1. Mon, Aug 5, 2024 12:09 AM (answer researched by FourScore)

    Answer: Cornel West would likely strongly support reforms to the tax code that would result in higher taxes on the wealthiest Americans. He would emphasize the importance of addressing income inequality and ensuring that wealthy individuals and corporations pay their fair share of taxes. West might argue that the current tax system disproportionately benefits the wealthy at the expense of the poor and middle class, and that tax reform is necessary to redistribute wealth and achieve greater economic justice. He could also link tax reform to issues like funding for public education, healthcare, and social services, arguing that higher taxes on the rich could provide much-needed revenue for these critical programs.

    Percentage of Importance: Given his focus on economic justice and social equity, West would likely assign a very high importance to this issue, possibly in the range of 85-95%. This reflects his belief that tax reform is a critical tool for addressing income inequality and promoting a more just and equitable society.

Federal Policy Question:
Should the federal government provide more tax incentives for small businesses?
  1. Mon, Aug 5, 2024 12:09 AM (answer researched by FourScore)

    Answer: Cornel West would likely argue that the federal government should provide more tax incentives for small businesses, emphasizing that these businesses are a critical part of the economy and often struggle to compete with larger corporations that can take advantage of more generous tax breaks and loopholes. He might also tie this issue to broader themes of economic justice and inequality, arguing that the current tax system often favors the wealthy and powerful at the expense of the poor and marginalized. However, West would likely argue that tax incentives should be part of a larger package of reforms aimed at leveling the playing field for small businesses, including measures to increase access to capital, reduce regulatory burdens, and promote fair competition.

    Percentage of Importance: Given his focus on economic justice and equality, West would likely assign a high importance to this issue, possibly in the range of 75-85%. This reflects his belief that supporting small businesses is a critical part of creating a more equitable and inclusive economy.

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  • Voter registration information:
  • Election dates and details:
    Federal Election Commission
  • Policy positions:
    Publicly available candidate websites and official statements