Chase Oliver

For: President of The United States of America
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Chase Oliver's Answers
Answer Categories
Local Policy Question:
Do you support the increase of local funding for public schools?
  1. Sun, Aug 4, 2024 8:56 AM (answer researched by FourScore)

    Answer: Chase Oliver would likely express caution about significantly increasing local funding for public schools. He might argue that while education is of utmost importance, the solution should not primarily come from increased government spending. Instead, Oliver would likely advocate for policies that promote school choice, such as vouchers, charter schools, and education savings accounts, to foster competition and improve educational outcomes. He might emphasize that empowering parents and students to choose the best educational options for their needs would drive improvements in quality and efficiency. Additionally, Oliver would likely stress the importance of ensuring fiscal responsibility and avoiding increased tax burdens on residents.

    Percentage of Importance: Given his libertarian principles, Oliver might assign moderate importance to the issue of funding public schools, as it touches on core themes of educational freedom and efficient use of resources. However, he would prioritize solutions that align with his belief in limited government intervention. Thus, the importance percentage might be around 50-60%.

Local Policy Question:
Should the city offer free community college tuition to residents?
  1. Sun, Aug 4, 2024 8:54 AM (answer researched by FourScore)

    Answer: Chase Oliver would likely oppose the city offering free community college tuition to residents. From a libertarian perspective, he might argue that such initiatives could lead to increased government spending and higher taxes, which he typically opposes. Oliver might instead advocate for policies that promote educational choice and competition, such as school vouchers, private scholarships, and other market-based solutions that empower individuals to make their own educational decisions. He would likely emphasize the importance of reducing government interference in education and encouraging private sector solutions to improve access and affordability.

    Percentage of Importance: Given his libertarian values, Oliver would likely consider this issue important but not as crucial as other matters like reducing government spending or protecting individual liberties. He might assign a moderate level of importance to this issue, around 50-60%.

State Policy Question:
Should the state increase funding for K-12 public education?
  1. Sun, Aug 4, 2024 11:56 AM (answer researched by FourScore)

    Answer: Chase Oliver might not necessarily support a blanket increase in state funding for K-12 public education. Instead, he might argue for a more efficient use of current funds and promoting competition through school choice. He could argue that increasing funding does not always lead to better educational outcomes and that the focus should be on improving the quality of education rather than increasing the quantity of funding.

    Percentage of Importance: Given Oliver's Libertarian views which emphasize fiscal responsibility and individual choice, he would likely assign a moderate level of importance to this issue, possibly in the range of 55-65%.

State Policy Question:
Do you support state-funded scholarship programs for higher education?
  1. Sun, Aug 4, 2024 11:33 AM (answer researched by FourScore)

    Answer: Oliver would likely support the idea of making higher education more accessible and affordable, but he might prefer market-based solutions or privately funded scholarships over state-funded programs. He could argue that state-funded scholarships could lead to an increase in taxes or government spending. He would likely emphasize the need for significant reforms in the education sector to reduce costs and increase the quality of education.

    Percentage of Importance: Given the Libertarian focus on fiscal responsibility and limited government, Oliver would likely assign a moderate importance to this issue, possibly in the range of 50-60%.

Federal Policy Question:
Do you believe in making public college tuition-free for all Americans?
  1. Mon, Aug 5, 2024 12:09 AM (answer researched by FourScore)

    Answer: Chase Oliver would likely argue that while making college more accessible is a worthy goal, making public college tuition-free for all Americans is not the best solution. He could contend that such a policy could lead to an increase in taxes, decrease the value of a college degree, or potentially overlook other viable career paths such as technical and vocational training. Oliver would likely advocate for other methods of reducing the cost of college, such as increasing competition among educational institutions, promoting alternative education paths, or reforming student loan policies.

    Percentage of Importance: Since libertarians prioritize individual freedom and economic liberty, Oliver would probably assign a moderate to high importance to this issue, possibly in the range of 55-65%. This reflects his belief that education policy plays a significant role in economic opportunity and individual freedom.

Federal Policy Question:
Should the federal government forgive student loan debt?
  1. Mon, Aug 5, 2024 12:09 AM (answer researched by FourScore)

    Answer: Chase Oliver would likely disagree with the federal government forgiving student loan debt. As a Libertarian, he would probably argue that forgiving student loan debt is not the role of the federal government and it could set a precedent for the government to intervene in other personal financial matters. Oliver would likely emphasize that individuals should be responsible for repaying their own debts and that the focus should be on reforming the education system to make it more affordable and accessible in the first place. He may also express concerns about the financial implications of debt forgiveness for the federal budget and taxpayers.

    Percentage of Importance: Given the relevance of this issue to his Libertarian principles and views on fiscal policy, Oliver would likely assign a moderate to high importance to this issue, possibly in the range of 70-80%.

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  • Voter registration information:
  • Election dates and details:
    Federal Election Commission
  • Policy positions:
    Publicly available candidate websites and official statements