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We believe in the power of people and communities

FourScore seamlessly connects voters with candidates through policy-based matching, making every vote more informed and impactful.

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When you have a list of candidates and a FourScore next to each name, picking who you're going to vote for is easy.

No more wasted time searching endlessly for candidates online.

No more guessing.

What is FourScore?

FourScore is a non-partisian, online tool built to help voters:

  • Quickly and easily pick the candidates on their ballot who align with their most important issues
  • Drive policy decisions in their community, state and nation by sending poll results to the official's public opinion dashboard

FourScore also helps elected officials and candidates running for office to better represent their community by:

  • Saving them money by eliminating the need to hire teams of consultants and marketing professionals
  • Providing them premium data and insight into their community on the issues the community has said are most important
  • Giving them the ability to connect directly with individual voters, without the voter having to expose who they are or their personal contact info
As a voter, are my candidate selections, my answers, and my info kept private?


We are not in the business of selling yours, or anyone's personal data.

What party or political organization is FourScore affiliated with?


FourScore is totally independent and non-partisian. We are not affiliated with any political party or political organization of any kind. We serve to empower communities and the voters within those communities.

Any candidate, elected official, or voter is welcome to utilize the many benefits of FourScore.

How does FourScore make money?

FourScore makes money by charging elected officials and candidates for real-time public opinion about their community's greatest concerns, and connecting them with their voters.

What does it cost to use FourScore?

Nothing, nada, zero, zilch.

FourScore is FREE forever for voters.

FourScore makes money by charging elected officials and candidates for real-time insight on the public opinion within their community, and connecting them with their voters.

Tell your representatives exactly what they should be focused on