Save money and start connecting with your voters today
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How It Works

You and the voter each take the same FourScore poll.

When the voter completes their poll, they are shown all the candidates on their ballot and a FourScore rating next to each name. The FourScore rating ranges from 0% to 100% and is based on how similar your poll is with the voters'.

You promote your candidacy by connecting with supporters, non-supporters, and undecided voters on the issues that are most important to them.

When it comes time to vote, voters pick their favorite candidates, and FourScore sends them a list of their selections. The voters take their list to the polls to reference when they cast their ballot.

Meaningful Engagement

When you use FourScore to engage your community, you're doing so with the ability to send voters a specific message based on the issues they have identified as most important to them.

Here is an example of a FourScore email, sent to undecided voters who have identified crime as their top concern.

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When you engage voters about the issues they’re focused on, you will convert voters into supporters at a higher rate than the candidate who opts to make general statements while asking for money.

FourScore Features

FourScore Rating

The FourScore rating helps voters find candidates who support the same issues they support. The more you align when with a voter on the issues, the higher your FourScore rating.

Candidate Profile Page

When you sign up, you can create a candidate profile page. Your profile page highlights your experience, education, volunteerism, and endorsements. When a voter is on the fence, this is where they come to make their decision on who to support.

Community Insights

When voters fill out their local, state and national poll, it provides valuable insight on the area you serve. This insight allows you to understand your community's needs and concerns better. Additionally, you'll see which of your answers are most popular and least popular with your community.

Social & Website Links

Easily link your social accounts and campaign website to your FourScore candidate profile page.

Custom Audiences

You can quickly select your target audience based on their survey and send relevant messaging to that audience.

Campaign Insights

Get a quick look at how your campaign is doing. Watch as your supporter numbers grow in real-time.


Using FourScore's basic features will forever be FREE for Candidates and Voters.


Receive a FourScore rating

See how many Supporters and Pledges you have

Get matched up with active voters in your community

Customized candidate profile page

Link campaign social accounts

Link campaign website

Actionable campaign insights into your community


Create and save custom voter audiences

Send relevant messages directly to a voter's inbox using FourScore's beautiful template

Set a budget and pay for only those emails that are opened

Email opens cost only 10¢

Emails sent to voters wanting to pledge cost only $1.25 per open