Jill Stein

For: President of The United States of America
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Jill Stein


  • Green Party Presidential Nominee (2012, 2016): Ran for President of the United States, advocating for environmental sustainability, economic justice, and social equality.
  • Physician and Public Health Advocate: Practiced internal medicine for over 25 years, with a focus on preventative care and public health. Advocate for a healthcare system that prioritizes wellness and accessibility.
  • Environmental Activist: Long-time environmental advocate, working on issues such as climate change, renewable energy, and environmental justice. Co-founded several environmental health organizations and initiatives.


  • Harvard University: Bachelor of Arts, magna cum laude.
  • Harvard Medical School: Doctor of Medicine (MD).

Political Positions:

  • Environment: Advocates for a Green New Deal to address climate change, create millions of green jobs, and transition to 100% renewable energy by 2030. Supports policies to reduce pollution and protect natural resources.
  • Healthcare: Supports a single-payer, Medicare for All system to ensure comprehensive healthcare coverage for all Americans. Emphasizes the importance of preventative care and public health initiatives.
  • Economic Justice: Promotes economic policies that address income inequality, such as living wages, affordable housing, and progressive taxation. Supports breaking up big banks and implementing democratic reforms to the financial system.
  • Social Justice: Strong advocate for civil rights, criminal justice reform, and immigration reform. Supports measures to protect voting rights, end mass incarceration, and provide a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

Key Achievements:

  • Green New Deal: Pioneer of the Green New Deal, a comprehensive plan to address climate change and economic inequality. Her advocacy has helped bring the concept into mainstream political discourse.
  • Public Health Advocacy: Led initiatives to reduce toxic exposures and promote healthy communities, including campaigns against coal plants and pesticides.
  • Political Reforms: Advocated for electoral reforms such as ranked-choice voting and public financing of elections to increase democratic participation and reduce the influence of money in politics.

Volunteerism and Community Engagement:

  • Community Health Initiatives: Engaged in various community health projects, providing medical care and education to underserved populations. Worked with local organizations to promote public health and environmental sustainability.
  • Philanthropy: Supports and collaborates with numerous non-profits and grassroots organizations focused on health, environment, and social justice.

Campaign Website: JillStein.org

Social Media Links:

Jill Stein is running for president in 2024 with a commitment to environmental sustainability, economic justice, and social equality. Her campaign focuses on transformative policies to build a greener, fairer, and healthier future for all Americans.

A Short History of Jill Stein Relevant to Her 2024 Presidential Campaign

Jill Stein, a physician and seasoned environmental activist, has long been a prominent figure in American politics, particularly within the Green Party. Her dedication to environmental sustainability, social justice, and economic reform has shaped her career and continues to drive her political ambitions.

Early Life and Career: Born on May 14, 1950, in Chicago, Illinois, Stein was raised in a politically active family. She pursued a career in medicine, earning her medical degree from Harvard Medical School. As a practicing physician, Stein became increasingly aware of the link between public health and environmental issues, prompting her to shift her focus towards advocacy and activism.

Environmental Advocacy: Stein’s entry into politics was fueled by her commitment to addressing environmental crises. She co-founded several organizations dedicated to environmental health, including the Massachusetts Coalition for Healthy Communities. Her activism has consistently highlighted the need for a holistic approach to public health, emphasizing the importance of clean air, water, and soil.

Political Career: Jill Stein’s political journey began in earnest with her involvement in local politics in Massachusetts. She ran for Governor of Massachusetts in 2002 and 2010 as a Green-Rainbow Party candidate, advocating for policies that prioritized environmental sustainability and social justice. Although she did not win, her campaigns helped to raise awareness about the Green Party’s platform and attract new supporters.

Presidential Campaigns: Stein gained national recognition through her presidential campaigns in 2012 and 2016 as the Green Party nominee. Her 2012 campaign focused on the Green New Deal, a comprehensive plan to address climate change and economic inequality. In 2016, she built on this platform, advocating for policies such as universal healthcare, free public college, and an end to corporate influence in politics. Her campaigns highlighted the Green Party as a viable alternative to the two-party system, emphasizing grassroots democracy and citizen empowerment.

2024 Presidential Campaign: In 2024, Jill Stein announced her candidacy for president once again, driven by a continued commitment to the values and principles that have defined her career. Her campaign builds on her previous efforts, focusing on transformative policies to combat climate change, promote economic justice, and ensure social equity. Stein’s platform includes a renewed call for the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, and comprehensive electoral reform to enhance democratic participation.

Public Speaking and Advocacy: Throughout her career, Stein has been a vocal advocate for her causes, frequently speaking at rallies, conferences, and community events. She has used her platform to educate the public on the intersections of health, environment, and social justice, and to inspire collective action for systemic change.

Community Engagement and Philanthropy: Stein remains actively involved in community initiatives and philanthropy, supporting organizations that align with her commitment to environmental and social justice. Her work in these areas underscores her belief in the power of grassroots movements to effect meaningful change.

Jill Stein’s 2024 presidential campaign is a continuation of her lifelong dedication to creating a more just, equitable, and sustainable world. Her history of activism, combined with her medical and environmental expertise, positions her as a candidate deeply committed to the well-being of all Americans and the health of the planet.

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  • Voter registration information:
  • Election dates and details:
    Federal Election Commission
  • Policy positions:
    Publicly available candidate websites and official statements